BullDogToken , a puppy charity token joins Crypto Masters Global network.

Crypto Masters
3 min readApr 23, 2021

In the multitude of projects that are born every day within the crypto ecosystem, a large number of them seek only to bring a technical or financial dimension above all while others aim to enrich human and social possibilities by having as the main objective of giving the maximum to the community or to noble causes that require significant support. With this in mind, we are delighted to welcome the BullDogToken project to the large family of Crypto Masters Global. BullDogToken is a new community-oriented cryptocharity token with a strong focus on supporting animal shelters across the globe without limits and represents the premier puppy appreciation platform​based on blockchain.

BDOG and BONE tokens

The ecosystem of BullDogToken and its charity network comprises two distinct currencies. The first, the BDOG token is the native currency of the project allowing to contribute to the spirit and the vision of the project. The BDOG token is based on the Ethereum network as an ERC-20 token with deflationary properties and a limited supply of 100 million of which 35% was sent to Vitalik Buterin from the start. The project was launched fairly with a major effort to gain the trust of the crypto community. This is why the BullDogToken project was audited quite quickly at launch and liquidity was locked out entirely. Full details of the operation and associated metrics can be viewed at https://team.finance/view-coin/0x92416e32042c9e67B0771A1b00Bcdf92EcB64950.

The second token, the BONE, was created by the community and is the charity-centric sister token of BDOG. Unlike the native token which has in common only its deflationary capacity, this one has several additional properties such as automatic yield / liquidity systems, a 2% bonus for liquidity providers and farmers as well as a tax of 2% per transaction directly transferred to the charity wallet. This second community-oriented token has the main objective to fuel BDOG mission and help sharing the vision and gathering more people to the cause.

These tokens are currently available on Uniswap and respectively on Probit/Hotbit for BDOG and BONE.

Charity donation and further

Sirat Hashimi, Founder and Developer of BullDogToken has set the goal of making at least one donation per month to an association, organization or any cause that could be related to the vision of the BDOG token. Although still in its infancy, the project has already made it possible to provide a first donation of a total amount of 1.3 ETH paid on March 27 for the organization ROLDA, the romanian league in defense of animals whose accused of receipt of the donation is available on the official BDOG website. With the fluctuation of the market over the past month, this first donation has risen sharply and now represents a total value of approximately $ 2,750. The growth of the project and its affiliate project BONE over the months will provide many more opportunities to give back to organizations in need and increase the frequency or number of donations as the project progresses.

BullDogToken Official Links :

Donation : https://etherscan.io/address/0xaf54ca8d5a7fc7e9b663fc34c7df79e4ec1c05ba

Website: https://bulldogtoken.com/

Buy BDOG: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x92416e32042c9e67b0771a1b00bcdf92ecb64950

BullDog NFT Gallery: https://opensea.io/collection/bulldog-token

Audit : https://github.com/sirathashimi/bulldogtoken/blob/main/Audit_Institute_BULLDOG_Token_Report_v1.0.pdf

Twitter : https://twitter.com/bdogtoken

Telegram: https://t.me/bulldogtoken

Crypto Masters Official Links

Website: https://Crypto-Masters.club



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